The duration of your marriage is among the factors that matter when deciding if one spouse should provide financial assistance to the other (spousal support) and for how long after a Florida divorce. Longer marriages generally lead to higher and longer-lasting spousal...
Alimony & Spousal Support
How can you enforce a spousal support order in Florida?
During divorce, a court may order spousal support, also known as alimony, to support a spouse with fewer financial resources and to better ensure a fair standard of living. Alternatively, spouses may agree on spousal support terms as part of a negotiated settlement...
Florida finally has a new alimony law
Floridians have listened to state politicians debate the pros and cons of doing away with permanent alimony (spousal support) for years now. Finally, there’s some real news. This summer, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill passed by both houses of the legislature into...
What types of alimony are available in Florida?
Alimony is designed to keep divorce from forcing dependent spouses into poverty because they lack the means to provide adequately for themselves. In essence, it’s a type of financial support that an affluent spouse or ex-spouse must pay their dependent spouse or...
Permanent alimony is again being debated by Florida lawmakers
There has been an effort by some Florida state legislators to get rid of “permanent” alimony for years now. It’s been successful in the House but not the Senate. A bill to do so is once again making its way through the House during the current session, and once again,...
When can you terminate spousal support payment in Florida?
During a divorce, one spouse may either agree to provide financial support to the other party or be directed to do so by the court. This payment is known as alimony and is often paid to help the other party maintain their lifestyle after the divorce. However, certain...
What does Florida consider when awarding alimony?
When you and your former spouse divorce, one of you may have reason to pursue alimony from the other. Florida recognizes four different types of alimony: bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational and permanent alimony. The state references the same set of variables...
Ending alimony due to cohabitation
Few may argue that family dynamics today differ from what they may have been in years past. One example of this is the attitude towards cohabitation. Per study information shared by the Pew Research Center, nearly 70% of American adults believe it OK to cohabitate...
Types of alimony in Florida
In a divorce, the court may decide to award payments of spousal support from one spouse to the other. This support is to help the other party financially after the divorce if he or she may struggle to become self-supporting. The Florida Statutes explains all types of...
Why are fewer men awarded alimony?
There are cases where women do not want to put in the necessary amount of effort to see their marriages succeed. Most of them choose to leave their husbands and go back to stay with parents. To get re-married, they will file a false lawsuit against their husbands and...