No-fault divorce hasn’t always been possible in the United States. It started back in 1969 in California, and it has now spread across the country. There are still states where you can declare fault if you want to, but you typically don’t need to have a reason to get...
Month: September 2022
Options to protect your retirement after a divorce
In many cases, the turmoil associated with divorce is caused by the asset division process and trying to figure out who gets what. Pensions and retirement plans are often critical assets both parties target during a divorce. However, some issues may arise with these...
How do you convince the family courts of your ex’s addiction?
Most professionals involved with the family courts will quickly tell you that shared custody is typically the best arrangement when parents separate or divorce. However, there are certain scenarios in which shared custody is not safe or appropriate. If your ex has a...
How does a speeding violation impact you in Florida?
Many people speed without thinking anything of it until they see the flashing lights of a police vehicle behind them. Once they get stopped, some may think that there’s not really a big deal about getting a speeding ticket. The fact is that one speeding ticket can...