We have all heard of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a psychological condition that occurs after the mind has suffered a great trauma. We associate it with soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, police, fire and construction workers from the World Trade...
Month: January 2013
Pregnancy, marriage and presumptions of paternity
The pregnancy of Kim Kardashian has garnered much attention, given her status of being famous for being famous and his celebrity within the music business. With all of the gossip, one issue is of legal interest. When a married couple has a child, the husband is...
Sperm donors and responsibility for child support
A lesbian couple wanted to give birth to a child. As a same-sex couple, their doctor would not help with artificial insemination. They resorted to soliciting a sperm donor on Craigslist. They found a donor, who somewhat naively agreed. He did sign a contract that...
Facebook profiles and divorce
Facebook and divorce has become a hot topic, as social media becomes more a part of our everyday life. And often that's the problem. Behavior, such as posting recent events in your life practically in real-time, along with pictures, becomes more and more an almost...