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Splitting assets and debts in a divorce

Before deciding to get a divorce, some couples choose to separate. This provides them some time to evaluate their options in perhaps a less adversarial living situation.  When choosing their future path, each spouse may put effort into identifying their joint assets...

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How does divorce affect children?

Divorce is a stressful time for all parties involved, especially children of divorced couples. Depending on your children’s ages, they may not understand why you split from your spouse and even with an explanation they may still find it confusing. Your children may...

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Using a postnuptial agreement

A postnuptial agreement is a marriage contract entered into between married spouses after the actual marriage. According to Legal Nature, the law permits parties contemplating marriage or who are already married to enter into a domestic contract governing certain...

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Assets and debts divided in divorce

Virtually everyone has heard other people lamenting about what assets or belongings they lost to their former spouse as part of their divorce settlement. As so much attention is given to the division of assets in a divorce, it seems that many people forget or never...

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