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Should you fight a Florida speeding ticket?
Should you fight a Florida speeding ticket?

Should you fight a Florida speeding ticket?

On Behalf of | Apr 19, 2023 | Traffic Violations |

In Florida, drivers who are issued speeding tickets can either pay the fine or fight the ticket in court. 

While many people may be tempted to pay the fine and move on, there are certain situations where it may be worth it to fight a speeding ticket.

The consequences go beyond paying the fine

It is important to consider the potential consequences of simply paying the fine. In addition to the financial cost of the ticket, there may be other penalties that can come with a speeding conviction, such as points on your license, increased insurance rates and even license suspension. Depending on your driving record and the circumstances surrounding the ticket, these consequences can be significant and long-lasting.

The evidence against you is weak

In many cases, a speeding ticket may be issued based on the officer’s observation of your speed or through radar or other speed detection devices. However, there are certain situations where this evidence may be flawed or unreliable. For example, if the radar device was not properly calibrated or if the officer did not have a clear view of your vehicle, there may be grounds for disputing the ticket in court.

You have strong defenses against your speeding ticket

It is also worth noting that certain defenses may be available in Florida to drivers who are issued speeding tickets. For example, if you were driving in an emergency situation or were forced to exceed the speed limit to avoid an accident, you may be able to argue that you were not at fault for the violation. Similarly, if the speed limit was not posted or there were other issues with the signage in the area, you may be able to argue that you were unaware of the speed limit and should not be held responsible for the violation.

The decision to fight a speeding ticket in Florida will depend on several factors. With the right approach, it may be possible to have the ticket dismissed or reduced, saving you both money and potential headaches in the long run.


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