When Florida couples get married, they often vow to remain married through sickness and in health. However, studies have found that serious illness can increase the risk for divorce. Furthermore, studies have shown that women have an increased chance of divorce if they become ill than if men become ill.
For example, a study found that women who experienced strokes or heart problems were more likely to have their marriages fail than when men with the same health issues. Some researchers have argued that this may be due to the notion that women often provide more support and care for their spouses than men. When women become ill, they might not be able to provide the same level of support and care, resulting in the dissolution of the marriage.
Researchers note that the studies tend to focus on older cohorts of couples who may be more likely to value traditional gender roles. As the trend continues to shift towards more equitable relationships, the phenomenon of men leaving women due to illness may begin to disappear. Furthermore, it should also be noted that some marriages are actually strengthened by illness, especially if the non-ill spouse has outside support.
Marriages can fail for a wide variety of reasons, including illness. When a spouse becomes ill, for example, the financial burden and the inability to contribute as much to the marriage can put major stress on the relationship. If a spouse decides to end the relationship, a family law attorney could help with all aspects of the ensuing divorce. If the relationship turns especially sour, the attorney may assist with protection orders, relocation issues and even paternity issues.