Issues related to finances can be some of the main contributors to the failure of a marriage. However, married Florida couples can take certain steps to make sure that the handling of financial issues will not lead to the demise of their marriage.
According to one expert, couples who wait to discuss their finances after getting married have waited too long. The most ideal time to talk about preferences and planning ideas for saving and spending is during the dating stage. This is so that couples will be in one accord regarding their finances, which can help prevent financial conflicts during marriage.
Getting good advice from professionals is another step couples can take to avoid a divorce caused by financial issues. The advice obtained from a qualified third party can be helpful because the decisions made by the third party are objective and not based on emotions.
Before they get married, couples can consult with a therapist, financial therapist or certified financial planner to help realize and talk about their financial goals. Some couples who obtain pre-marriage counseling from their church may want to make sure that one of the topics they discuss includes finances.
Couples should also strongly consider completing a prenuptial agreement before getting married. While the use of prenuptial agreements is still rare, their use is increasing among millennials, based on information from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Prenuptial agreements not only protect both parties in the event of a divorce, but they are also useful for address all aspects of the marriage before it begins.
An attorney who practices divorce law may advise clients of their legal options regarding how assets are divided. Litigation may be used to protect the rights and interests of clients regarding the division of marital estates, stocks, business interests and more.