While a lot of focus is being given to international adoption, sadly there are thousands of children within our own country that are without a permanent home. These children may have come from parents who could not take care of them, were abandoned or they may have been rescued from situations involving abuse.
Here in Florida, there are an estimated 750 children who are in the state system, waiting for loving adults to come and adopt them. Adoption, as many have learned, can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the adoptive parents. While it is not without its challenges, it is no different than raising a biological child.
This month, African-American children in state custody will be featured throughout Florida in an effort to encourage the public to open their hearts and their homes to these children. The program will introduce brothers and sisters, special needs children, and teenagers; a website will allow visitors to view these children’s stories along with their pictures and video footage. Interested people can also read the stories of families who have adopted children from the state to learn more about the joys that becoming an adoptive parent can reap.
For people looking to adopt a child, they may want to meet with an adoption attorney to learn more about the process and to have their questions asked. While generally the parents of a child in the state system have already had their parental rights legally terminated, there may be some cases where this has not yet been done. Having legal representation can ensure that everything is followed according to law and that there are no issues that arise during the adoption period.
Source: WCTV, “African-American Children for Adoption Highlighted During Black History Month,” Feb. 4, 2013