Get Trustworthy Guidance When Making Child Custody Arrangements And Parenting Plans
In a marriage, children can bring out the best in people. During a divorce proceeding, children can bring out the worst in soon-to-be-ex-spouses, who sometimes draw boundary lines in preparation for a fight. At The Murphy Law Group, we help you focus on what is most important in a child custody matter: the best interests of your children, not hurt feelings and revenge.
Do not let the emotional fallout of divorce cloud your decision-making process. We stand ready to represent you and protect your rights in child custody proceedings, even if your interests can only be resolved in the courtroom.
Helping You Make Good Decisions In Contentious Child Custody Cases
At The Murphy Law Group, we see children getting lost in the shuffle of dysfunction that spills out in the process of determining parental responsibility and your parenting plan, formerly known as child custody and visitation. The children’s needs are often ignored as mom and dad fight it out in court.
You may think you have the best of intentions, but a war with your spouse only puts your child in the middle.
Our team will work with you to ensure that even while going through the transition of a divorce, you are recognizing and meeting your child’s changing needs. Attorney Stephanie Murphy will direct you to excellent resources in the Sarasota area to help you, including counseling, parenting classes, parenting coordinators and social investigations.
We Can Help You Establish Paternity
In Florida, establishing paternity is an incredibly important part of gaining access to your parental right to custody and visitation. While marriage at the time a child is born automatically establishes paternity, unmarried parents must either acknowledge paternity voluntarily at the hospital or sometime before the child’s 18th birthday, or through a court order and genetic testing.
This process can be confusing, but with our help, you will not only understand your rights, you will also have trustworthy guidance at every step of the process.
Paternity is not just necessary in child custody cases. Parents need to establish paternity in child support cases as well, which is another area of family law in which Stephanie Murphy has extensive experience.
Relocation And Modifications
Whether for a job opportunity or to be closer to family, post-divorce parents may need to move away from their child’s custodial parent, making it difficult to hold true to the terms of a parenting plan.
When parental relocations require the modification of a custody order, our law firm is ready to help you iron out the details and come to a new time sharing agreement that fits with your change in circumstances.
Mediating And Litigating Parental Responsibility And Parenting Plans (Custody)
As hard as a divorce is on you, divorce is often harder on children. Therefore, you owe it to your child to bring a swift and amicable resolution to a contested parental responsibility and parenting plan case. In certain instances, parties may determine to proceed to mediation and avoid going to court to determine their child’s best interests.
Stephanie Murphy is exceptionally knowledgeable and skilled at mediating custody cases. She is very familiar with the process, and she and her team can help you focus on your children’s best interests when mediating your case.
There are times when litigation is the only way to resolve disputes about parental responsibility and a parenting plan, or custody and visitation. Stephanie Murphy is an experienced litigator, and she and her team will aggressively litigate all child-related matters when it is necessary to do so.
In a courtroom, a seasoned and aggressive attorney that keeps the best interests of your children as the number-one priority is your best advocate.
Contact Our Law Firm Today
At The Murphy Law Group, nothing is more important to us than maintaining the integrity of your family, which is why we seek solutions to family law issues that are truly in your best interests.
If you would like our help with a child custody issue or other family law matter, call our Sarasota office at 941-584-9570 to schedule an initial consultation. You may also contact us by e-mail if it’s more convenient. We accept all major credit cards.