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Comprehensive Guidance Through The Probate Process

Probate is the legal process by which a deceased person’s assets are collected, identified, and distributed to creditors and heirs as determined by Florida law and the deceased person’s estate plan.

If a loved one has died and you have been named as the executor, personal representative or executor of your loved one’s estate, the legal responsibilities probate entails can seem overwhelming. At The Murphy Law Group, our family-owned team is dedicated to simplifying the probate process. We will meet with you directly to understand your situation, and handle all aspects of your probate matter, including:

  • Preparing a detailed inventory of the deceased’s assets
  • Distributing the deceased’s assets in according with their wishes
  • Evaluating the legitimacy of any claims on the deceased’s assets from creditors or other family members
  • Ensuring all of the deceased’s outstanding debts and taxes are paid in a timely manner, including completing an estate tax return when required

Our service is comprehensive. In addition to the filings and paperwork above, we will also appear on your behalf through any probate proceedings or hearings to ensure your loved ones’ estate is handled properly and efficiently.

We Help You Understand Your Options

There are various forms of probate that may or may not be a good fit for your situation, and all of them have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Going through the probate process can be an overwhelming process, so it is important to understand all of your rights and obligations.

Depending on the size of the estate and other factors, we will recommend the most appropriate form of probate to you and make sure that you are prepared for the probate administration process. Our review and analysis will include explaining the pros and cons of all available options, which include:

Formal Administration: Florida estate with assets of $75,000 or more.

Summary Administration: Limited to estates containing less than $75,000.

Ancillary Administration: The probate of property in a state other than the state where the decedent lived is called an ancillary probate.

Disposition Without Administration: Used rarely, but appropriate in situations in which the value of assets is very low.

We Think Of Everything So You Don’t Have To

Understanding the legal requirements probate creates and choosing which form of estate administration is right for you, all while grieving a loved one’s passing, can be difficult and confusing. At The Murphy Law Group, we know the probate process inside and out. Our attorneys think of everything, so you don’t have to. For clear guidance from an experienced estate planning team, schedule your free consultation by calling 941-584-9570 or completing our online form.